Saturday, January 22, 2011


Things move swiftly when one finds new inspiration in life! I have been using "Big Red" (as I like to call this XL350R) as a source of energy throughout my day. Just the thought of finding new parts and ideas for the bike is invigorating. But enough about me!

The first thing to be found is the many resources on the internet for such a project. This is one of the first pages I found:

He led me to Bike Bandit which is a good resource with Honda parts diagrams:

More later!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

The New Project Starts!


I just woke up from motorcycle hibernation since the 70's and found myself in the world of 4 stroke motorcycles here in 2011. This is my new project which I bought off of Craigslist for $200. It has current registration and plenty of little issues to keep me busy. I hope to post information about the repair process as a resource for others and to get information as well.